God's creation is just beginning its glorious spring display at Leahaven. The pond is surrounded by lavender blooms and lush green grass which beautifully set off the red of the budding leaves on the trees.
The bright blue sky was full of fluffy clouds, and a gentle breeze stirred tiny leaves on the trees. We cut through the woods looking for wild azaleas, but they aren't ready to bloom yet. We'll have to check regularly so we don't miss their splendid display.
As we came out of the woods, we received quite a shock. About two weeks ago when we came to clean the house, we noticed some ragged brush cutting had been done along some of the back roads. We didn't have time to walk our property at the time, but now it is obvious that we were visited by the same devastating . . . TVA crews!
Here is a close-up showing pine trees dying because they were sprayed. Why? we asked ourselves. And then we looked up and saw that this swath of devastation runs along under the power line. We still have to ask "Why?" because what TVA killed was grass, wild blackberries and small scrubby pines that would never in a hundred years reach high enough to bother the high tension wires overhead. We were furious and sick at heart at the mindless devastation wreaked by the government. "Spray!" says someone--and they spray, whether it is needed or not, heedless of the environmental impact.
We will try to find out how to file a complaint, but we don't expect much cooperation from the government.
Walking back to the house, our spirits were comforted by a final glimpse of the beauty of God's creation. How His heart must grieve at what we have done with His world! May we Christians strive to be worthy stewards of what He has given us, which is so much more than we can ask or think.