A Time to Say Goodbye

Having served in the pastorate and as foreign missionaries, we know how draining full-time Christian service can be. In 1987, we returned from the mission field spiritually "beaten up". God provided a place of refuge where we could be restored in the beauty of His creation. In 2007, He granted us the fulfillment of our dream to provide a place that we could share with full-time Christian workers in need of a spiritual retreat. And that is how Leahaven came to be.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."

II Corinthians 1:3-4

In 2020 due to Covid 19, we regretfully suspended our Leahaven ministry. In the past two years the Lord has led us in a new direction, and He has shown us that now is the time to say goodbye. We are grateful for God's many blessings and so many precious memories. Thank you to all who have supported and encouraged Leahaven's ministry. We covet your prayers for the future.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stuck in a Rut!

Bush-hogging around the pond today, Herb discovered a hidden rut when the tractor fell into it.

Even with 4-wheel drive, he couldn't get it out.

So I tried to help him pull it out with the truck, but nothing doing.

Here came neighbor Jerry Williams to the rescue!

He hooked up a chain, revved the dozer . . .

. . . and the tractor sailed up and out of the hole.  Jerry made it look so easy!

Most of the flatter parts of the fields didn't need bush-hogging since Tony just recently hayed.  The grass is starting to grow long and green again.

But all the rutted, brushy areas that Tony doesn't hay need to be bush-hogged.  Herb did all along the pond today, reclaiming new places to walk and access to the pond for fishing.  He also went up the creek from the pond almost all the way to the neighbor's pasture in front of our property.

He spared nice little trees when he found them.  This had been an area of solid brush over 5 feet high, and now it looks like it might become a field again.

He went all the way across the creek in the front pasture, uncovering and mowing the one place a vehicle can cross without getting mired down in the creek.

When I had finished cleaning the house within an inch of its life and Herb had finished the bush-hogging, we walked out along the pond to admire his handiwork.  (We couldn't admire mine because we didn't want to walk through the house and get it dirty again!)  The goldenrod is already in bloom, a harbinger of fall weather.

The bees were busy all over the goldenrod.  I guess it was just a day for busy bees all over the farm!

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